Mejores Discos Internacionales 2020 diciembre 31, 2020diciembre 30, 2020cesarmejias 1It's Immaterial"House for Sale" 2The Explorers Club"The Explorers Club" 3Bill Fay"Countless Breaches" 4Bob Dylan"Rough and Roudy Ways" 5Paul Weller"On Sunset" 6A Girl Called Eddie"Been Around" 7Bruce Springsteen"Letter To You" 8Adele & The Chandeliers"First Date" 9Elvis Costello"Hey Clockface" 10El Goodo"Zombie" 11Nation of Language"Introduction, Presence" 12Pop Filter"Banksia" 12Pop Filter"Donkey Gully Road" 13Fiona Apple"Fetch The Bolt Cutters" 14The Avalanches"We Will Always Love you" 15Gary Olson"Gary Olson" 16Marc Almond"Chaos and a Dancing Star" 17Gorillaz " Song Machine, Season One_ Strange Timez" 18The Parson Red Heads"Lifetime of Comedy" 19Milky Wimpshake"Confessions Of An English Marxist" 20Matt Berninger"Serpentine Prison" 21The Psychedelic Furs "Made of Rain" 22Ezrat"Carousel" 23The Reds, Pinks and Purples "You Might Be Happy Someday" 24Pet Shop Boys"Hotspot" 25Fleur"Fleur" Comparte estoFacebookTwitterCorreo electrónicoImprimirPinterestMe gusta esto:Me gusta Cargando...