Electribe 101 – “Electribal Memories”

electribe2Ya conté en Marzo cuando hablaba de la recopilación “The Garage Sound Of Deepest New York” que lo mío no era la música orientada a la pista de baile, pero que a finales de los 80 y dentro del estilo conocido como House, surgio una corriente que mezclaba el soul con este estilo, al que se llamó Deep House, que si consiguió captar mi atención.. También conté que en esa misma época trabajé como pincha en un bar de moda, estamos en la primavera de 1988, y entre los múltiples maxis que pasban por allí me encuentro con el primer maxisingle de un grupo del que lo primero que me llama la atención es el nombre, Electribe 101, y lo segundo la potente voz de la vocalista en la canción titular, “Talking To Myself”. Con aquella voz inmediatamente pensé que era una vocalista negra y este era un grupo más de la escena del deep house neoyorquino, pero ni uno ni lo otro, el grupo era de Birmingham y la vocalista una alemana blanca, Billy Ray Martin. El grupo se quedó guardado en mi memoria y cuando editaron su primer, y único disco, me hice con una copia, que contenía el primer single, el ya mencionado “Talking To Myself”, y al menos un par de temas más que me gustaron en su épcoca y que confirmo ahora que no han envejecido nada mal, “Lipstick On My Lover” y “Tell When The Fever Ended”.  No es una obra maestra, pero me ha traído buenos recuerdos de una época que tuvo su gracia.

And if it’s all right with you
I’ll just talk with myself
I never was the one to believe in magic

And with a light shining down on you
You sure look tragic too
And if it’s all right with you
I’ll just talk with myself

With all the stars so bright and the light shine down
And everything glows all around
And a wonder world and a perfect time for loving
And when it all gets hard and it all gets tough
And everything won’t be enough
Were gonna throw a stone in it and it’ll all come true for loving

And if you just say where and when
Then I will be there waiting
Cause I would really love to see you again

With the stars so bright and the light shine down
And everything glows all around
And a wonder world and a perfect time for loving
And when it all gets hard and it all gets tough
And everything won’t be enough
Were gonna throw a stone in it and it’ll all come true for loving

With the stars so bright and the light shine down
And everything glows all around
And a wonder world and a perfect time for loving
And when it all gets hard and it all gets tough
And everything won’t be enough
Were gonna throw a stone in it and it’ll all come true for loving

I’ve seen you passing by
And when you caught my eye
I thought ‘God this could be the next big thing’
And how I wished for your command
Telling me to hold your hand
Oh baby let it rain

With all the stars so bright and the light shine down
And everything glows all around
And a wonder world and a perfect time for loving
And when it all gets hard and it all gets tough
And everything won’t be enough
Were gonna throw a stone in it and it’ll all come true for loving yeah

And if you just say where and when
Then I will be there waiting
Cause I would really love to see you again

Because, with all the stars so bright and the light shine down
And everything glows all around
And a wonder world and a perfect time for loving tonight
And when it all gets hard and it all gets tough
And everything won’t be enough
Were gonna throw a stone in it and it’ll all come true for loving yeah

With all the stars so bright and the light shine down
And everything glows all around
And a wonder world and a perfect time for loving
And when it all gets hard and it all gets tough
And everything won’t be enough
Were gonna throw a stone in it and it’ll all come true for loving

I wanna love you baby
I wanna hold you baby
I wanna dance and give you everything you need

And how I wish for your command
To make me twirl upon your hand
Oh baby how you make me bleed

Oh baby don’t you know that since I saw you for the first time
Its been like living in this dream
Like a fantasy that just goes on and on forever
And its never real

With the stars so bright and the light shine down
And everything glows all around
And a wonder world and a perfect time for loving tonight
And when it all gets hard and it all gets tough
And everything won’t be enough
Were gonna throw a stone in it and it’ll all come true for loving
Oh yeah


ó https://itun.es/es/7566